Outreach Service - For pupils with Complex Learning Difficulties


The Outreach Service offers support to mainstream schools with pupils who have complex learning difficulties. Support is given to teaching and non-teaching staff in a number of areas including curriculum access and differentiation; setting appropriate targets; support during transition. The Outreach Service provides an assessment/support service for pupils who may need technology to support communication and/or curriculum access.


The Outreach Service is able to provide short-term intensive mentoring for TA’s in mainstream schools. This support by TA’s from the Outreach Service to model strategies and demonstrate the use of loaned resources to support learning and positive management of behaviour resulting from complex learning difficulties.


The Outreach Service is also able to offer advice and support for schools and pupils with physical disabilities. This can include manual handling training and risk assessments. It is also possible to support mainstream schools who are managing challenging behaviour arising from complex learning difficulties.


The Outreach Service offers bespoke training for schools to meet the needs of the staff supporting pupils with a range of complex learning difficulties, following discussion with the Head of the Outreach Service. The Outreach Service is also able to provide recognised courses in Makaton, sign language programme, and courses from Elklan; further details are available on request.


The Outreach Service houses a comprehensive resource library of reference books and resources which can be loaned to schools to support the inclusion and learning of their pupils with complex needs in conjunction with support from the Outreach Service Team.